
It takes people with experience and knowledge to know how to navigate the maze.




We can open doors for you.

Yes, you are right. Government feels like a maze.

It takes people with experience and knowledge to know how to navigate the maze.

Pathway’s professionals have a wide variety of government experiences from Cabinet Minister, to Chief of Staff, to policy advisor, to experience in the bureaucracy and much more.

We have a huge network of contacts in all levels of government including municipal, provincial and federal, as well the US government and several states in the US.

Once we understand your challenge, we can find the right people to contact to resolve your concerns.

We can open doors for you!

How we can help.

Government Relations
  • Issues management
  • Regulatory strategy development
  • Visibility and profile-raising initiatives
  • Funding application support
  • Public policy research and advice
  • Information gathering
  • Risk analysis
  • Media monitoring
  • Public and media relations
  • Crisis support
  • Reputation management
  • Strategic advice
  • Strategic partnership and coalition development
  • Event and campaign planning
  • Digital advocacy
  • Audience engagement tactics