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One Dundas St. West, Suite 2500, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z3 416.979.4617

As a founding partner of Pathway Group, Peter brings decades of experience working with leaders at various levels of government, as well as with community organizations.

Peter’s life in politics began as a young teenager when he walked into a campaign office in his home town of Dundas. Since that day, he has been a tireless advocate for improving his community and serving the province.

Peter served as the Liberal Caucus Executive Director as well as Chief Financial Operations under leaders Dalton McGuinty, Lyn McLeod and Bob Nixon. Preceding this, he held the position of Senior Advisor to the Minister of Government Services and Government House Leader Chris Ward.

Peter also was Acting Executive Director of the Liberal Party of Ontario soon after Premier Dalton McGuinty was elected leader of the Ontario Liberal Party.

He also was Interim President of the Ontario Liberal Party and  Executive Vice President of the Party.

Prior to his career at Queen’s Park, Peter was employed by the Town of Flamborough for ten years as its Director of Community Services.

Community service and local grass root organizations remain very important to Peter. He is an active volunteer with several organizations and enjoys volunteering his time and energy to such groups to see them successfully flourish. Peter is a board member of the Dundas Museum and Archives , is a member of the Dundas Hockeyville Legacy Fundraising Committee, and an executive member of the Dundas Real McCoy’s Senior A Hockey Club.


Peter attended St. Jerome’s University and graduated with an Honour’s B.A. from the University of Waterloo.

Office: 416.979.4617
Direct: 905.741.1953

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