Al MacDermid provides strategic advice to clients at all levels of government. Al understands the need to listen, create trust and align interests to achieve goals.
Al has years of experience working in several Minister’s offices and with multiple governments. Before joining Pathway Group, he served as Chief of Staff to the Associate Minister Responsible for Mental Health and Addictions, Senior Policy Advisor in Northern Development and Mines and Director of Policy for the Solicitor General under the Ford Government. This builds on his previous experience under the Harris/Eves government where he served as Policy Director in Consumer and Business Services and a junior role in Education. Al has managed numerous campaigns at the provincial and federal level over his decades of political involvement. He has also served central campaigns and participated in numerous leadership and nomination contests over the years. Al has been a trusted political volunteer and advisor for over 25 years.
In addition to decades of political involvement, Al has a law degree and years of experience in the private sector as a merchant banker, entrepreneur and strategic consultant. He has strong experience in business planning and strategy development on diverse matters including legal and regulatory issues, finance, corporate governance, sales and market creation, operations, and strategic partnerships. Al is a proficient data and information analyst with a proven history of being able to conduct thorough due diligence and research in order to master new verticals/sectors quickly and provide valuable multidimensional strategic advice.